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Apache Sunset 3" to 6" Pallet Basket Per Ton
Apache Sunset Rip Rap 3" to 6"
Apache Sunset Rip Rap 3" to 6"
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Price Per Ton $289.99 California quarry in the Mojave Desert
Inflation Fighter Sale $220.00
Savings: $69.99
Material Type: Crushed Granite rock
Level Of Experience Required: No experience needed for excellent results.
Typical Time Required: One day or less for most projects. Figure 3 Man Hours per ton for a finished project.
Equipment Needed: Contractor grade wheelbarrow, sod roller, hand tools, garden hose
Additional Materials Needed: Weed control fabric, wood, steel or plastic edging

Quantity in Stock:234

Availability:: Usually Ships in 24 to 48 Hours
Product Code: RR3X6SSK3K

Description Material Transport Photos & Liability
Honey Quartz Rock Rip Rap 3" to 6" - Pallet Wire Basket Price Per Ton
Southern California quarry
Apache Sunset Rock, also known as Honey Quartz, is a very hard rock material that is a semi translucent grey colored rock covered in full or in patches with a mineral patina that varies from burnt yellow, orange, red and purple tones.
This quarry produces a wide range of materials from DG fines to very large boulders. Many material yards call this material Apache Sunset. Since the Apache Indians do not benefit in anyway from having their name used for marketing the rock and never lived within hundreds of miles of the quarry, we have gone a different direction, we bring you Honey Quartz Rock.
Materials are shipped bulked throughout Southern and Central California and on pallets anywhere requested.

Product Specifications and Uses
Rock Ruble and Rip Rap For Landscaping
This product is effectively used as a border and or accent material in rock landscapes, dry creek effects, ground cover in planter-beds, for a general landscape ground cover and water diversion elements.

Typical coverage rates installation at lower rates will improve long term appearance:

8" - 12" Rock and Rip Rap covers about 15 to 20 square feet
4" - 10" Rock and Rip Rap covers about 20 to 30 square feet
2" - 4" Rock and Rip Rap covers about 50 to 70 square feet
1" - 3" Rock and Rip Rap covers about 70 to 80 square feet

Purchase by the Scoop, Skip, Yard or Ton ?
Landscape supply yards are infamous for providing buyers with horrible rates of measurement. In nearly all cases they tell you that "their" scoop or skip is the best deal around and that they always give a little extra. Nothing could be further from the truth. All companies that buy at the wholesale level in our industry pay for their rock by the ton. When buy rock by the tone you are buying value, not hype.

Ask For A Scale House Receipt
Almost any quarry that sells quality rock with a good reputation has a certified scale for weighing large truck loads of rock material. Each "scale house" or "weigh master" issues a weight ticket for the truck passing over the scale. Selling materials by mythical measurements such as the "scoop" or "skip" is the snake oil salesman in the rock yard method for making a quick buck off buyers.
When you pay for materials by ton you know exactly what you are getting. We strongly urge buyer's to request a scale receipt for their orders and not the word of the tractor operator that he put 4 or 5 skips, scoops or yards in the truck.

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